Sister Doris Kretzler entered religious life form St. Joseph (now Holy Family) parish in New Brighton, PA. She credits her mother with influencing her decision to become a Sister. "My dad died very early in my life, and my mother, who had a deep Irish faith, felt responsible for passing this faith on to her children. Keeping the Commandments, attending Sunday Mass, showing love for others, and being with family were top priorities."
Sister Doris devoted the early part of her ministry to teaching primary school (more than 40 years). She also ministered as a certified nurse aid at Vincentian Assisted Living (1998-2009) and co-director of Providence Heights in Allison Park, PA (2007-2016). Since 2016, Sister Doris has been the administrative assistant to the administrator at Providence Heights. She says, "Daily, I ask the Lord to help me meet the day and all it entails in the manner He knows best."
She says of how she sees herself living our her charism,"Living out Providence in my life is and has been very deep in relationship to my everyday living. For example, as each day begins, God's Providence permits situations and circumstances to surface that allows me to respond in my own individual and unique way. So many times my question to why the elements of a plan worked out the way it did was no other than Providence. This, I believe, is a real means of making Providence more visible in our world."
Describing herself as loyal, compassionate, and caring, Sister Doris enjoys listening to music, playing card games and crocheting. People might be surprised to know that on a visit to Ireland, she climbed the 133 steps to kiss the Blarney Stone!
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