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Mary Francis Fletcher, CDP

Sister Mary Francis Fletcher is the Provincial Director of the Sisters of Divine Providence. One of 10 children, she entered the Community from her home parish of St. Ann’s by the Sea in Marshfield, MA.

Sister Mary Francis’ early ministry, which began in 1965, was in education. She taught at both Sacred Heart Elementary and Sacred Heart High School (Kingston, MA), and St. Cecilia School (Stamford, CT). In the Kingston Province, she was executive secretary to the principal at Sacred Heart High School (1975–83), an intern in spiritual leadership for Our Lady of Peace Spiritual Life Center (1983–84, Narragansett, RI), vocation director (1984–2001), provincial councillor (1991–95), coordinator of Associates (1992–2000), director of volunteers (1993–99), formation director (1993–2001), and assistant to the provincial (1996–2001). In 2001, she was elected Provincial Councillor for the Marie de la Roche Province, and was elected Provincial Director in 2006 and again elected to the position in 2011.

Self-described as dependable, service-minded, and an attentive listener, Sister Mary Francis recalls being most influenced to enter religious life through prayer, discernment, and a deep inner sense of God’s call. She decided to enter the Sisters of Divine Providence based on a belief that her call would be most nurtured and flourish in their Community.

Sister Mary Francis says of the charism of the Community, “I have a deep sense of being personally called, guided, and gifted by God to live in trust and openness to God’s will, and to celebrate God’s Providence in service of others. I want to share this deep belief and experience of God with others, so that they also may be opened to God’s goodness, presence, and care, and that each may find life and joy in offering what they have received to others.” She celebrated her 50th jubilee in 2012.