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Charlotte Deveau, CDP

Sister Charlotte Deveau spent most of her childhood days in Quincy, Ma., where her earliest schooling was in a Catholic parish school. She entered the Community from East Bridgewater, Ma., from the parish of St. John. While in high school, she became acquainted with one of the younger members of the Sisters of Divine Providence and attended retreats offered by the Sisters in Kingston for young women. This experience fostered her vocation to religious life.

Since her first profession of vows, Sister Charlotte has ministered as an elementary school teacher, both in a parish and for more than 40 years at Sacred Heart Elementary School in Kingston. A gifted primary educator, her teaching has always been with the little children. Beloved by the children, their parents and her peers, Sister Charlotte’s educational ministry has truly been an example of God’s Providence made visible in our world. Her creativity, enthusiasm, and compassion are gifts to all who know her. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, crocheting, and keeping in touch with her family.