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70 years in 2017

For Sisters celebrating 70 years with the Sisters of the Divine Providence.

Dorothy Ransil, CDP

Sister Dorothy Ransil, formerly Sister Rose Bernard, entered religious life from Saint Norbert parish in Overbrook, PA. She credits the Sisters of Divine Providence who taught her for eight years at St. Norbert School for influencing her decision to enter religious life.

Maureen Grabowski, CDP

Sister Maureen Grabowski entered the Sisters of Divine Providence from St. Boniface parish in Pittsburgh. She credits one of her Sister teachers who Sister Maureen felt was very close to God and perhaps she could also become close to God, as well as feeling God's pull, as what influenced her decision to enter religious life.

Louise Angelini, CDP

Sister Louise Angelini, formerly Sister Mary Thomas, entered religious life from Madonna of Jerusalem parish (now St. Juan Diego parish) in Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania. She credits her parents, her sister, Sister Frances Romana and the Sisters of Divine Providence for influencing her decision to enter religious life.

Mary Gabriel Friedel, CDP

Sister Mary Gabriel Friedel entered religious life from her home parish of St. Joseph in Meppen, Ill. Although she did not attend St. Joseph School, she used to visit the Sisters of Divine Providence who taught there, and she considers them to be her greatest influence in becoming a Sister.