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70 Years in 2019

Joan Wolf, CDP

Sister Joan Wolf, formerly Sister Marietta, entered religious life from Our Lady of Sorrows in St. Louis. She credits the Sisters who taught her and their example of working together, working for others and serving Christ with influencing her vocation to religious life.

Marguerite Luddon, CDP

Sister Marguerite Luddon, formerly Sister Mary Laurence, entered the Sisters of Divine Providence from her home parish, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, in Florissant, MO. She was most influenced to enter religious life by her teachers in grade school—Sisters of Divine Providence—especially Sister Mary Ann Haug.

Rosemonde Deck, CDP

Sister Rosemonde Deck entered the Sisters of Divine Providence in 1949, from her home parish of St. Michael’s in Loretto, PA. Making the sacrament of First Holy Communion was Sister Rosemonde’s greatest influence in entering religious life.

Zita Telkamp, CDP

Sister Zita Telkamp entered religious life from St. Mary in Brussels, IL. Her 6th grade teacher, Sister Innocent, CDP—a missionary for many years in one of the poorest areas in Puerto Rico—was one of her influences to become a Sister.

Mary Margaret Paliotte, CDP

Sister Mary Margaret Paliotte entered religious life from St. John the Baptist in Monaca, PA. Of what influenced her decision to enter religious life, she said, "I had a happy home life. Our life was very simple. I wanted children to know that they could have a happy home life!"

Maura Luffy, CDP

Sister Maura Luffy entered religious life from St. Basil parish in Carrick, PA. It was her mother’s faith, the way she lived her life, and the respect she had for the Sisters who taught her that strongly influenced her decision to become a Sister.