Sister Jean Louise entered religious life from St. Patrick parish in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. She credits Sister Estelle Smith with influencing her decision to enter religious life. She sees herself as generous, loving, funny and thoughtful. She always tries to anticipate the needs of the older Sisters and help them in whatever way she can. She is proud to be a Sister of Divine Providence, and says that it has enhanced her prayer life and spirituality. When asked what she would say to someone interested in religious life, she answered, "Try it, you’ll like it. Jesus' disciples asked him, 'Where do you live?' He responded, 'Come and see.' That’s my advice to anyone interested in religious life—'Come and see.'"
Sister Jean Louise's ministries in education include St. John the Baptist, Monaca, PA; St. Boniface, Penn, PA; St. Mary, Beaver Falls, PA; St. Basil, Carrick, PA; St. Joseph, Duquesne, PA; St. Joseph, Braddock, PA; St. Isaac Jogues, St. Claire Shores, MI; St. Cecilia, Rochester, PA; St. Mary, Ford City, PA; Blessed Sacrament, Warren, OH; Providence Heights, Allison Park, PA; and she also ministered at Kearns Spirituality Center, Allison Park, PA, and Jubilee Association, Pittsburgh, PA.
In her spare time she enjoys writing to the Sisters who are out in ministry as well as to friends and relatives and socializing with those at Life Pittsburgh.
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