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Benedicta Ha, CDP

Sister Benedicta Ha entered religious life from Mung-dong Cathedral Church in Seoul, Korea. She was raised in a home that had deep faith and credits that for influencing her vocation. She said, "When I was 18 years old, I read books of great Saints, and the Life of St. Francis, who influenced me to see in his simple way in following God. My father taught, showed and opened to see God’s love, the vision of the wide world. Through his faith of God and his life of art (a lifelong sculptor), he helped me discover the wonderful world and experience of Creator the Artist. On Ascension Day, during Mass at the Mung-dong Cathedral Church, I received the grace of a strong and deep calling through Jesus when He went heaven. I asked permission of my parents, who were happy and supported my decision." 

Sister Benedicta's ministries include building supervisor in South Korea (10 years); formation director and council member (10 years); professor Oriental art in Seoul, Korea and at Hawaii University (10 years); parish and CMC hospital ministry in Seoul, Korea, Cleveland and Honolulu (16 years); professor of Oriental art at Chaminade University (10 years); and solo art exhibitions in Seoul Korea, Germany and Honolulu (1965-present).

For Sister Benedicta, creating art is like meditation or prayer and an opportunity for reflection. Peace is a running theme through her art and through her life. She said, "I want people to feel the grace and light of love and peace that is with us now. ... Art is a chance to share with others the goodness of God, and to teach to see God through the eye."