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Music Makers

"We exalt your Providence, O God, and we submit to all its decrees!" 

Music can be a wonderful conduit between divine presence and experience. Many believe that it is in the nature of humans to yearn for, to seek out, to communicate at some level with, the Divine, and that we are restless until we find a way to be at one with that presence. Music helps people relate to God in a very personal way. It can make one aware of the presence of God.

The Sisters of Divine Providence have a history deeply rooted in music. Since the foundation of the Congregation, Sisters have brought music to others as composers, vocalists, chorus members, music teachers, and musicians.

Read about some of our musicians by following the links below. A longer article featuring some of these sisters appeared in the Spring 2013 issue of Providence Alive.

Sister Patricia Baker: "I really believe that music can penetrate the spirit where words fail."

Sister Genevieve Brandstetter: "Piano is the love of my life."

Sister Alexine Cockerham: "Listening to music enhances my spirituality."

Sister Karina Conrad: "Music touches a very deep part of my soul."

Sister Rosemonde Deck: "Music is a very spiritual experience."

Sister Marie Dolores Griffith: "Music is the manifestation of God’s Providence."

Sister Lu Haidnick: "Music and playing an instrument is so profound. . . it is prayer."

Sister Barbara McMullen: "When we play music, I believe we have the potential to touch another's soul."

Sister Maria Patterson: "I often feel like my guitar is simply an extension of my heart and soul and body."

Sister Carole Riley: "To teach music is to teach spirituality."

Sister Myra Rodgers: "My spirituality has greatly influenced my understanding, appreciation, and love for music."

Sister Charlene Schaaf: "God’s love and care shows forth in the spirit of the joy of my singing and playing."

Sister Carol Stenger: "The music of Haugen and Haas especially speaks to my love for the scriptures."

Sister Stephanie Turck: "I find music very emotionally and physically healing."
