Mary Ellen Rufft, CDP
Sister Mary Ellen Rufft’s home parish is St. Basil’s in Carrick, Pennsylvania, and credits Sister Mary Glenn as who influenced her decision to enter religious life.
For Sisters celebrating 60 years with the Sisters of the Divine Providence.
Sister Mary Ellen Rufft’s home parish is St. Basil’s in Carrick, Pennsylvania, and credits Sister Mary Glenn as who influenced her decision to enter religious life.
Sister Therésine entered religious life from St. Michael’s parish in Pittsburgh. She credits her mother's example of always helping others, the dedication and mission work of her parish priests—The Passionists—and meeting a Sister of Divine Providence who shared about the Community's mission work as what most influenced her decision to enter religious life.
Sister Mary Grace Carlisano—formerly a member of a Carmelite community in Santa Fe, New Mexico, from 1955-1957—entered religious life from Mother of Good Counsel parish in Brushton, Pennsylvania.
Sister Paulita Kuzy entered religious life from SS Peter and Paul Byzantine Catholic parish in Braddock, Pennsylvania. Her decision to enter religious life was greatly influenced by her parents, who always encouraged their children in their prayer life and in their service to God and the Church.
Sister Jacklyn Pritchard is from Sacred Heart parish (now Holy Family) in Granite City, Illinois.