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Contemplative Dialogue: Unleashing the Transformative Power of Communal Wisdom

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) recently engaged Liz Sweeney, SSJ, in the creation of a video designed to demonstrate the power and potential of contemplative dialogue. The one-hour film "Contemplative Dialogue: Unleashing the Transformative Power of Communal Wisdom" provides the opportunity to experience an actual contemplative dialogue session led by Liz with seven other women religious.

The video, available for anyone to watch online, includes an introduction to contemplative dialogue by Liz as well as her commentary on the session that was filmed. Also available is a PDF document that outlines this particular method of contemplative dialogue, and provides additional information on understanding the role such dialogue can play in readying the ground for collective transformation. The video and document are found at:https://lcwr.org/contemplative-dialogue.
