2017 Providence Reflections
As we welcome spring, we are pleased to share with you this reflection written by Sister Candace Introcaso.
As we welcome spring, we are pleased to share with you this reflection written by Sister Candace Introcaso.
The Sisters of Divine Providence will keep lighted candles in the windows of our homes and chapels from November 27, 2016, through January 6, 2017, as a reminder of the light and love of God’s Providence in our lives.
We are pleased to share our Fall 2016 magazine. In this issue, we highlight the General and Provincial Chapters.
We are pleased to share our Spring/Summer 2016 magazine. In this issue, we highlight the Sisters of Divine Providence Associates.
As we welcome spring, we are pleased to share with you this reflection written by Sister Claudia Ward.
We are pleased to share our Winter 2016 magazine. In this issue, we highlight Health and Wellness.
As the Sisters of Divine Providence welcome spring after this particularly hard winter, we are pleased to share with you our 2015 Providence Reflections, written by Sister Inesita Vélez Negron.
We are pleased to present the Spring 2015 Providence Alive! newsletter.
“Celebrating Consecrated Life: Fifty Years after Vatican Council II” discusses the commitment of women and men religious to renewal and adaptations in responding to the needs of a global society.
Also in this issue:
"Becoming a Woman of Providence," the feature article, explains terms like formation, incorporation, discernment, and novitiate, and the process by which a woman first explores whether she is called to religious life and the subsequent journey she undertakes on her way to becoming a vowed religious.
Other articles included in this issue:
Because of your generous support, faithfulness, and partnership with the Sisters of Divine Providence, we are able to continue our mission of co-creating a world of compassion, justice, and peace. Your continued kindness and charity enables us to respond to the needs of today and to advance our commitment of making God’s Providence more visible in our world.