As religious life undergoes deep and significant change, nearly 800 persons gathered in Atlanta, Georgia from August 9-13, 2016, for an LCWR assembly uniquely structured to assist members to reframe their perspectives about religious life in this moment away from diminishment and toward transformation. Designed to help members view the changes occurring in religious life – with all of their pain and challenge – as significant opportunities for growth, the assembly offered ideas and insights on how to embrace the invitation to transformation. The assembly aimed to provide leaders with knowledge and skills that will be useful for themselves and the members of their institutes. The entire assembly was being conducted as an experience of contemplative engagement. Designed to help members learn, reflect on, and discuss this transformational opportunity for religious life in a contemplative manner, participants also left with contemplative engagement skills that they can apply to their own leadership ministry.
Sister Maria Clara Kreis (pictured, right) was an exhibitor at this year's Assembly, presenting her Life Satisfaction Scale for Apostolic Women Religious (LSSAWR). The LSSAWR can be used to assess satisfaction levels across three generations of women religious. The LSSAWR can also assist women religious individually and communally as they discern their commitment to religious life.
For more information and resources from the 2016 LCWR Assembly, CLICK HERE.