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NOTE: This is a temporary archival copy of our previous website. Please visit our new site here.

To Light Through Love

For many years, the Sisters of Divine Providence have marked the Advent season with white lights in our windows recalling the Gospel words: "The light shines in the darkness." The candles signify our promise of hospitality to all who come to our doors. This year, when the bleak pandemic seems to have changed everything, our candlelight has changed, too—from the quietness of white to the uplifting vibrancy of primary colors. After many months of change and challenge, Advent 2020 is a season to look to with wonder on all that we have experienced, with gratitude on all that we have survived and, most importantly, with hope on all that the future promises. While we regret the doors of our chapels and homes must remain closed for a while longer, we hope our joyful multicolored lights will reassure you that our hearts and our prayers still fervently embrace all the broken and dark spaces in our lives and in our world. 

By making a financial gift to the Sisters of Divine Providence in support of our ministries, you join us in bringing the light of God’s providence to dark places. To make your contribution, please visit cdpsisters.org/donate.

We invite you to join in prayer with our Sisters, Associates and all of our partners in Mission at our interactive blog: cdpsisters.wordpress.com.

2020 To Light Through Love
