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The Lure of Providence

“The Lure of Providence recounts the history of an international congregation of Sisters who have spent over a century and a half transcending boundaries of nation, culture, and ministry. Sister M. Christine Morkovsky brings these women to life and helps us to appreciate their rich legacies as benefactors of both Church and society. She has made a significant contribution to our understanding of modern religious life, in the United States and around the world.”
- Margaret Susan Thompson, Syracuse University

Sister Mary Christine Morkovsky, CDP, a native of San Antonio, Texas, professed vows as a Sister of Divine Providence of San Antonio, Texas in 1951.  She earned MA and Ph.D. degrees in philosophy and an MA in religious studies from St. Louis University. Sr. Christine has been a teacher, administrator, researcher, lecturer, writer, and spiritual director.

Receive your copy of The Lure of Providence for a $25 contribution. Proceeds benefit the ministries and mission of the Sisters of Divine Providence.
