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60 years in 2018

John Ann Mulhern, CDP

Sister John Ann Mulhern entered religious life from St. Sylvester parish in Brentwood, PA. Her parents, who professed their faith through action, and the Sisters of Divine Providence, who taught her, are who most influenced her decision to enter religious life.

Alice Marie Lyon, CDP

Sister Alice Marie Lyon, formerly Sister Clarice, entered religious life from St. Anthony parish in Cohasset, MA. She credits the Sisters of Divine Providence who taught her in school as who most influenced her decision to enter religious life. She says, "I remember wanting to be just like my teachers."

Carol Kampert, CDP

Sister Carol Kampert, formerly Sister Aniceta, entered religious life from St. Joseph’s parish in Pittsburgh's Duquesne neighborhood. She credits her family life and education as what most influenced her decision to enter religious life.